Supporting Camp Management

Refugee camps are very similar to small cities at the difference that they appears very quickly and are not designed to last. They are also supported through a consortium of organisation, which collaboratively defined the specific strategy for each camp. In order to measure and assess the defined strategy, an Information Management Framework is necessary. The framework provide description of the tools to implement and encompasses various elements: Infrastructure, People, Land, Perception, Services & Communication

Why a framework?

In general, a framework is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful. A framework is often a layered structure indicating what kind of programs can or should be built and how they would interrelate

Common definition

Managing a camp is a complex mission as it implies to overview different elements that are all connected. A certain type of population is offered asylum on a piece of land. When they arrive, a shelter is allocated to them. Infrastructure are also established and services are delivered from those infrastructure. Refugees have needs that are either covered or that may be gaps in the response. Refugees are also constantly looking for information in order to know about their environement and what they can expect.

In this context, a range of camp management strategies can be established depending on:

  • the phase of the operation (emergency, care & Maintenance, integration or closure),
  • the population profile (generation, ethnic diversity, social tension, morbidity, etc.),
  • the funding level available to operate the camp,
  • the governement capacity or willingness to take over the management.
The Information management framework is designed to support the defined strategy. Because the strategy can change over time, the "one fits all" approach is risky and it is preferable to implement tools through a modular approach.

How is the framework organised?

For each element presented, the framework is organised around the following elements:


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

What are the elements & layers of the framework?

Strong information management carried out in support of coordination processes will ensure that relevant actors are working with the same or complementary relevant, accurate and timely information and baseline data. Properly collected and managed data during emergencies can benefit early recovery, recovery and subsequent development and disaster preparedness activities. This framework complements the Information Management chapter of the already existing Camp Management Tool kit. It provides practical examples of systems and products to set up.

Planning: preparing a master plan


Where infrastructure should be implemented?
How to minimise risk such as flood, landslide?

Systems & Products

Camp Master plan to be used by construction engineer. Most of the time this camp is developped using Autocad as this is the format used in the engineering world
Infrastructure development workplan
Camp absorption capacity simulation

Needed Ressources

Field Surveyors
Autocad with the Arcgis extension so that the plan can be georefrenced


The Master plan shoudl be georeferenced from the begining
Organise the layers acording to geometry and theme so that the exprt between CAD and GIS can be organised smoothly. The initial Risk analysis can be performed using stallite imagery

Mapping: ground thrusting


What are the infrastructure esablished as of now?
  • Roads
  • Reception/Registration Center
  • Distribution Center
  • Health Center
  • Schools
  • Partners Offices

Systems & Products

A potential approach is to set up an "ad-hoc" GIS database using Qgis or ArcGIS. Though it presents various risk:
  • Requires GIS officers
  • Requires a proper strategy for data storage, publication & management
  • Requires a lot of coordination in order to integrate input from various sources
For those reasons, it is good to use an Open Data Repository like OpenStreetMap in order to leverage partners capacity. Such aproach has been used in large african slum and is documented in OpenStreetMap wiki.

Needed Ressources

GIS officers at the initial stage.
When the "open Data" approach is adopted, the best approach is to organise regular mapping party where all partners can be introduced to the various OSM mapping tools.


The tag used for the mapping of the camp shoudl be documented in OSM Wiki.

Monitoring: spotting infrastructure status


Provide a regular status of the infrastructure status in order to support maintenance planning.

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Population Estimation: Shelter detection


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Population count & Registration


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Shelter allocation


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Camp Districting


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Land Development Plan


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework



What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Needs Assessment Survey


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Assessment Registry & Sops


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Events tracking


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Activities tracking


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Services Description


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Contact list, Mailing list, Documents


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Description of the systems (data collection, data storage & data visulisation) that should be set up to cover the challenges

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Camp Profile


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Web teaser


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework

Community platform, Feedback mecanism


What are the key questions to address?

Systems & Products

Needed Ressources

Tips on ressources and deployment strategy


Elements to keep in Mind to connect the them to the other them of the framework