Explore how refugees are moving within Jordan. The plot shows movements, i.e. relocation of the entire family, from one area to another. It does not capture any movement within a Governorate, but only describes how many families have fully relocated across Governorates as described in the UNHCR Jordan Home Visit Report (2014).
The dataset includes 41809 families that were surveyed in 2014 through the Refugee Home Visits
The plot is divided into three parts representing the three regions of Jordan (North, Central and South). By clicking the region, you can see a breakdown by Governorate.
By hovering on any of the arrows, you can see how many families out of a total of XYZ moved. The pop-up box also gives you the direction of movement. In each Governorate, the largest portion “moves” to the same Governorate, which means that the families did not relocate.
Origins and destinations are represented by the circle’s segments.
Each governorate is assigned a colour.
Flows have the same colour as their origin and the width indicates their size.
The direction of the flow is also shown by the gap between flow and governorate: small gap indicates origin; large gap indicates destination.
Click on a segment to switch between country and region view.
Switch between time periods using Ctrl and number keys (1,2,3,4); reset the plot using Ctrl and r; zoom in/out with Ctrl and +/-